Gingerbread e-Template for the Haunted Gingerbread House by Gingerbread-By-Design. This Haunted Gingerbread House took first place in the 2002 Oregon State Fair, and my first time creating a Halloween gingerbread house. To create the whimsical look, the wings on each side of the gingerbread house are a little slanted, as are the side walls of the main house.
How to purchase and download the gingerbread e-Template:
- Add the desired e-Templates to your shopping cart by clicking the "Add to Cart" button.
- Click "View Cart" after all e-Templates have been loaded into the shopping cart
- Click the "Checkout" button
- Place your order.
Upon completing your purchase:
- The THANK YOU page will include a link to download all purchased e-Templates .
- A download link will also arrive via email that will function for 30 days. Make sure to check the SPAM folder.
- Download the .pdf template to your electronic device.
- Print on your personal printer using standard 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
- Cut-out the paper template pieces.
- Prepare gingerbread dough.
- Cut pieces from your gingerbread dough.
- Assemble per the instructions provided.
This Gingerbread e-Template includes:
Gingerbread House Template (All templates are full-size and ready to use. No enlarging or tracing required)
Supply and Candy List
Recipes, including how many batches of dough is required for this design.
Rolling, Cutting, and Baking instructions
Assembly instructions
The e-Template packet does NOT contain digitally drawn blueprints and thus will not work in CAD.
For more info view the FAQ's here.
Haunted Gingerbread House e-Template
Architect and Designer
Gingerbread Architect: Gingerbread-By-Design
Gingerbread Designer: Loreta Wilson
Skill Level
Skill level for this house is Intermediate due to the three structures assembled for one house.
Finished size: 9" wide x 10" deep x 10" tall. This does not include the base measurements.
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