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My First Annual Family Gingerbread Smackdown - 2019

Our 2019 Family Gingerbread-Smackdown included 10 people, 5 houses, and 2 1/2 hours to decorate. Each team chose one type of candy from the candy-bar, that only they could use on their display. All houses were identical, built from pre-made Wilton Gingerbread House kits.  You, the People, voted for People's Choice Award!

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People's Choice Award - Team JADA

Can you smell the peppermint?  I know I can! This house comes with two candy-cane trees, a candy-cane porch, candy-cane fencing, and candy-cane welcoming posts.  But with all this peppermint happening, what's being done about the heat-loss through the roof?  I mean, come on, just look at the snow run-off, creating life threatening icicles!  While watching-out for your life, enjoy the strong whiff of peppermint in the air!

Best Overall Use of Candy Award - Team DAAL

What can I say.  Every house needs a dog.  But really?  Clifford the big red dog?  Yup. Even with a licorice and pretzel fence that screams stay out, they seriously welcome you to their home with a warm cozy fire....that is spewing smoke into our atmosphere. But this the only house with a fireplace, so there is that.

Best Beach Theme Award - Team DENO

Ahhh.... the salty air and sound of the waves, what could be better.  How about a window or two to enjoy the view?  I'm told there is a window in the FLOOR to view the ocean, oh, and that the back wall actually opens-up entirely.  But who am I to believe?  My ears or my eyes?  But still, who doesn't enjoy walking the beach and collecting shells?  I know I do!  I just hope those lego-stilts hold-up come Hurricane season!

Best Castle Award - Team BRBR 

This house, oh I mean CASTLE, has a moat.  Yes, a moat... AND a drawbridge! This team was known for stealing all the frosting they could get their hands on in order to construct this rock-solid castle.  And do I mean rock solid!  Just look at the roof and walls.  Solid rock!  But have no fear, nobody is going to fall into this candy moat, not with the perimeter fence protecting this glorious sweet castle.

Best Candy Landscape Award - Team TORE

I hope nobody sleep-walks at this house, and ends up in the lake right outside the back door!  But don't we all dream of owning a lake house, with it's own dock?  Enjoy the smell of fresh flowers in the window boxes as you enter this house... oh wait... it's December!  How can those flowers even be real?  What are they trying to pull here?  I wonder how many kids skinny-dip in that lake when the owners are away!  They should really build a fence.  Just sayin....


2019 Gingerbread Smackdown video

If the pictures weren't enough to sway your vote, view this 2 1/2 minute video for detailed assembly and decorating instructions!  Just kidding! It's really just a bunch of wanna-be gingerbread house decorators paired with a little too much adult-beverage.   

Enjoy our video!  And thanks to those who voted for People's Choice!


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"Oh my gosh! That looks like so much fun!  I want to host a Gingerbread-Smackdown!"

Click here to see how we can help YOU can host your own Gingerbread-Smackdown!

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