New England Salt-Box Gingerbread House Template
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Bay Window Style:
Dormer Window Style:
Dormer Style:
Tower or Turret Style:
Balcony Style:
Column Style:
Cupola Style:
Gazebo Style:
This is a cute little house, with the style reminiscent of days-gone-by, and could easily be a real house on any street in the New England area of the US! Originating from a classic I-house form, in the early 18th century the I-house footprint was expanded to the rear to provide more interior space, resulting in the one and one-half room deep Salt-Box house design.
This gingerbread house is great for novice builders. A little more difficult than the Elf or Pixie house since the back side of the house has two roof pieces; one roof piece to cover the main part of the two-story house, and to one cover the one-story addition on the back.